Platinum Report Recommendations
Our first initiative is implementation of the Madison Mayor's Platinum Bicycling Committee's Report Recommendations. A link to the city's page on the report is here:City's Page
A pdf document of the final full Platinum Bicycling Report is here: Full Report Bike Walk Madison Platinum Report 2009 Implementation Goals


-Construct Bike Boxes at select and appropriate signalized intersections
8/2008 Two bike boxes successfully installed

-Study and determine a location for two to three bike boulevards. Construct one and evaluate

-Complete a public bicycle parking needs study for the central city area
12/2008 The city has done a limited study of public buildings using GPS/GIS.

-All city facilities, including parks, libraries, and city buildings shall have bicycle racks that meet city code
8/2008 Discussions begun at city council level and with city staff. See parking study.

-Institute a Sunday Parkways ride
High hopes for an event to occur summer 2009

-Improvements to Madison Police Department bike program

-Develope a Safe Routes to School program in conjunction with Madison Metropolitan School District

-Develop a Travel Smart social marketing program

-Undertake a scientific survey to determin the level of bicycling in Madison and what the public feels can and should be done to improve bicycling conditions and to increase the number of people bicycling
12/2008 Discussions begun with survey researchers at UW. Money donated to study by REI.
A more detailed pdf document with the above top priorities for 2009 is located here:Bike Walk Madison (Green Streets)2009 Platinum Priorities
To get involved with implementation of the Platinum Bicycle Report Recommendations, please contact us.